1953 – 1956 – My early Years

And in October the following year you were born.

You are a child of real love. I hope this gives you an optimistic and positive guide through life.

However, our personal life provided us with complications. A political statement Kurt made lead to his dismissal as a teacher. This was very hard for him. We had to live on my salary for several months until he found a job as bookkeeper. Soon he moved up to Head Bookkeeper at the Sportsverlag. Once he had reached that level I quit teaching.

When you were born I was a housewife, and I was there for you the next several years. With that I hope to have given you a good childhood. I don’t know if I was a talented mother. But I loved you very much and tried very hard to do my best.

I am still today very happy we had those years together. How fast a childhood passes. But I think I did not cling to you when you started to be independent at a rather early age.

Back once more. After a smooth pregnancy which had me in good spirit the entire time, it was a shockingly harsh delivery. My tail bone is is bent, which nobody had told me, and you had to be delivered with forceps. Thank God you did not sustain any head injury. Dr. Kuechler told me that even if all goes well, children deliver with that method are very fragile the first few years.

This was true for you. First you had infected breasts, which normally only boys get. For months you got Penicillin injections. After that you were susceptible to catching colds. You were plagued by that. I still remember how I cringed watching your whole little body shake from coughing. You were small and fragile. Only after your tonsils were removed did your body stabilize.

When you were a year and a quarter you started to develop little lumps around the eyes. Nine precious and non-recoverable months passed while the old eye doctors did not consider the possibility that you could not see. When I switched to Dr. Gatterbauer you immediately got glasses. The bumps around the eyes disappeared but the time frame to activate the weak eye was lost. He tried everything, and you so patiently went along with it all, but to no avail. I was very unhappy about this. But then I observed how well you got along with just one good eye. After a while I resigned myself to the situation.

Overall you were a calm and quiet child. You started to understand things early on. And you always wanted a detailed explanation for everything. And often I thought you actually understood.

We already had a dog before you were born. And when Bingo died we got Clodo. A pure bread blond Hovavart. You grew up with a dog and now love your Sheba.

I always remember going shopping. With one hand I pushed the pram, later the stroller, in the other hand was Clodo’s leash .

First we went to the forest so Clodo could get his run in, then we went to town. When I stood in line in the shops I did not have to worry about you. Clodo held watch over you outside by the door.

After that we went to the ferry at Wendenschloss. On the peer we fed the seagulls. For that we bought one extra roll every day. You enjoyed that. You had a love for animals from early on.


NEXT: 1957 – 1960


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